From a Tank Wash...
The story of Calumet Container Corp. begins in 1988 with Dale Fancher, Jr., an entrepreneur who opened a Chicago tank wash and tractor-trailer repair facility called Calumet Tank and Equipment (CTE). CTE provided both repair services and tank washing until 2001, when they began to repair ISOs. That same year, they seized the opportunity to purchase some available, adjacent land and formed the present day container depot, Calumet Container. CTE is currently located adjacent to Calumet Container and continues to provide tank washing and heating services for the depot’s customers.
To a Container Depot...
Today, Calumet Container offers storage, repair and testing for ISO containers as well wash and heating services through CTE. Our transportation company, Calumet Transportation Inc., provides full-service transportation of containers to and from the depot.
Calumet Container proudly claims its spot as Chicago’s Trusted Container Depot and a safe, familiar, and reputable service stop for containers from points near and far! As it was in the beginning, the Fancher family is personally involved with the company to maintain the consistent, attentive, quality service that built Calumet’s impeccable reputation.
Calumet Container looks towards a bright future under the leadership of our experienced and committed management team:
Dale Fancher, Jr.
Dale Fancher, the late founder and president of Calumet Tank & Equipment Company and Calumet Container Corp began his career in the Railroad Industry where he worked for 20 years. In the mid 1980’s he decided to change his career path by accepting a job in the tank industry in charge of maintenance and then by request of some of his customers he decided to start up his own company in 1988. During his tenure, Dale was highly regarded as a good and honest businessman and widely recognized in the industry for his expertise.
In addition to being the president, Dale worked in sales and management for both companies. When not at work he enjoyed his children, grandchildren and hobbies.
As a small business owner, he truly understood the needs of other owners like himself. For him, providing exceptional customer service, delivering efficient and affordable services and having strong professional relationships with and all his customers and vendors are the ingredients he used to build not one but two successful companies.
Dale was a dedicated family man who loved life, built lasting relationships, and had a humorous personality. He left a lasting impression on most all people he met. Whether it was a business associate or a server at a local restaurant he took genuine interest in everyone who’s life he touched. He was always there to help family members, friends and most anyone in need. He was a kind and generous man who is irreplaceable in business and life.
Dale Fancher, III
General Manager
Kathleen Fancher
Kevin McGuffey
Operations Manager
Julie Fancher
Office Manager